

Triumph Seal

The Forsaken expansion added titles or seals to the Destiny 2. Titles are special text that is visible next to a guardian’s name while playing the game. These are tied to players completing a certain number of Triumphs, making titles a sign of completion and mastery over specific activities in Destiny 2. The Harbringer Title Destiny 2 is tied to the Moon and various activities involving the moon.

Our Sherpas can lend a helping hand, taking your account to the next level by boosting your progress towards the Harbringer Title.  Don’t spend all day farming for Seals, let our Sherpas complete the seals for you securely and efficiently.

Harbringer Title Destiny 2 Requirements

  • Nightmare Hunts Time-Trial Master
    Completing all 8 Time Trials will award A Sibyl’s Dream Emblem.
    Must be 960+ Power Level. This service will take several resets to complete.
  • Flawless Master Nightmare Hunt
    Complete any Nightmare Hunt on Master difficulty without dying to earn the Lunar Halcyon Shader.
    Must be 960+ Power Level and have completed the Shadowkeep Campaign
  • Wandering Nightmares
    Find and defeat Wandering Nightmares unleashed to wander the Moon. All 4 Nightmares will complete the Wandering Nightmare Triumph, gifting the Moonshot Shell.
    -Nightmare of Xortal, Sworn of Crota this week!
    -Nightmare of Horkis, Fear of Mithrax
    -Nightmare of Jaxx, Claw of Xivu Arath
    -Fallen Council
    Must have completed the Shadowkeep Campaign and be 900+ Power Level. This will take several resets to complete.
  • Let Them Eat Rice Cakes
    Located and feed the 9 Lunar Rabbit Statues rice cakes. Feed all 9 Rabbits on ONE CHARACTER to unlock the Lunar Gloom Shader.
    Must have completed the Shadowkeep Campaign. This service will take several resets to complete.
  • Luna’s Lost Are Found
    Located the nine dead Lunar Ghosts by collecting Ghost Traces on the Moon.
    You need to have completed the Shadowkeep Campaign
  • Lost No More
    Located the 10th dead Ghost on the Moon. Unlock this triumph for the Lunar Memoriam Emblem.
    Must be 960+ Power Level and have unlocked the Pit of Heresy dungeon
  • Luna’s Calling “Memory” Quests
    Eris Morn offers a “memory” quest once per week. Complete these quests on the same character for 5 weeks to earn the Moonrider One Sparrow.
    -Memory of Sai Mota
    -Memory of Vell Tarlowe
    -Memory of Toland, The Shattered
    -Memory of Omar Agah
    -Memory of Eriana-3
    Must have completed the Shadowkeep Campaign. This service will take several resets to complete.
  • Altar of Sorrow: Sorrow’s Bane
    At Tier V, clear all five phases in a row without a single sacrifice and then defeat the boss. Rewards The Third Tide Ship from Triumph.
    Must be 900+ Power Level and have the Shadowkeep DLC
  • Bane of Tyrants
    The Bane of Tyrants Ship is an RNG drop from the final chest from the Pit of Heresy.We will guarantee this drop for you by farming the final boss checkpoint in the Pit of Heresy.
    Must be 960+ Power Level and must have unlocked the Pit of Heresy dungeon
  • Symphony of Death
    Dispatch the Deathsingers and acquire the Exotic Rocket Launcher, Deathbringer.
    Must be 900+ Power Level and have the Shadowkeep DLC

Pit of Heresy

The Pit of Heresy dungeon introduced two Triumphs and two Emblems for the collections and the Harbinger Seal. By selecting the Solo, Flawless dungeon completion you can acquire ALL rewards below in one run!

-Eternal Heretics flawless dungeon Triumph
-Usurper solo Dungeon Triumph.
-Sanguine Static Emblem from a dungeon completion.
-Crimson Echoes Emblem from a Solo, Flawless dungeon completion.
-Must be 960+ Power Level and unlocked the Pit of Heresy dungeon

Looking for the Triumphs Eternal Heretic and Usurper? Check out our Pit of Heresey service to complete those two, click here or the image below

pit of heresy

Looking for the Deathbringer? Or the Xenophage? Check out those services down below!

Deathbringer Destiny 2
Deathbringer Destiny 2


Xenophage Destiny 2
Xenophage Destiny 2

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Harbinger Triumph Seal


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