
1000 Voices Raid Exotic

Get your 1000 Voices Last Wish Raid Exotic 100% guaranteed! We will obtain the Destiny 2 Raid Exotic of your choosing it no matter how many raids it takes. We will complete 3x Raids (1 per character) every week until you receive your Destiny 2 Raid Exotic.

Get your Destiny 2 1,000 Voices Last Wish Raid Exotic completed 100% guaranteed! We will obtain the Destiny 2 Raid Exotic of your choosing no matter how many raids it takes. We will complete 3x Raids (1 per character) every week until you receive your Destiny 2 Raid Exotic.

What Makes 1,000 Voices Important: Key Stats

1,000 Voices or 1k Voices is a Exotic Solar Heavy Fusion Rifle from Destiny 2’s Last Wish Raid. 1,000 Voices in Destiny 2 is one of the most powerful heavy guns available. It carries a wallop and proves exceptionally useful. Just look at the stats to see what can be possible.

Key Stats

Impact: 100

Range: 100

Stability: 46

Handling: 10

Reload Speed: 37

Hidden Stats

Aim Assistance: 100

Inventory Size: 80

Zoom: 25

Recoil: 100

Bounce Intensity: 0

1,000 Voices: PvE vs. PvP

Once we have obtained 1,000 Voices for you, the benefits will soon become apparent. It is one of the most powerful heavy guns in Destiny 2. It excels in PvE with the massive toll it can take on the enemy, including multiple kills at once.

The 1,000 Voices Exotic is a high DPS option well suited for any endgame PvE content including Raids, Dungeons and Strikes. Not only is 1,000 Voices a solid choice for any PvE encounter, in PvP it has a notorious reputation in Gambit as being both a powerhouse for invading the enemy team while still melting your Primeval when it counts.

Get to Know 1,000 Voices in Destiny 2

1,000 Voices was introduced by Bungie in Destiny 2 as part of the Forsaken Expansion. It is an exotic fusion rifle that includes the added perks of Ahamkara’s Eye and Unforeseen Repercussion. These allow you to unleash a continuous beam of death and to blast the enemy with delayed explosions.

1,000 Voices is a random drop reward that can be earned through Last Wish Raid completions. Players get one chance per character per week to complete Last Wish Raids. As it is a random drop, it can take a great deal of time and skill to obtain 1,000 Voices in Destiny 2. Let our experts get it for you.

1,000 Voices is also a legitimate contender in Destiny 2’s Crucible, just be careful that you don’t blow yourself up!

Become a better Guardian today! Let our experts get you 1,000 Voices in no time at all.

Our experts will get you 1,000 Voices guaranteed. We will complete the necessary raids as many times as it takes so you can then unleash the power of 1,000 Voices and be heard in both PvE and PvE. Let us help you get the tools you need by completing Season of the Splicer or other Destiny 2 strikes and quests.

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1000 Voices – Destiny 2


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