
Conqueror Seal Destiny 2

Triumph Seal

The Forsaken expansion added a new feature of “titles” to the game. You’re able to see these “special titles” next to a guardian’s name while playing the game. These titles are tied to completing a certain number of Triumphs, making titles a sign of prestige and a true completionist’s task. For example, the Conqueror Seal Destiny 2 title requires completing every available Grandmaster Nightfall within a single season which can be quite the challenge and on top of that, progress towards this seal resets at the end of each season if the seal is not entirely unlocked.

Get Your Destiny 2 Conqueror’s Seal

Don’t have all day to grind away to unlock that exclusive Conqueror Seal Destiny 2 Title? Let our Sherpas do it for you! We’ll do all the heavy lifting so you can log on and enjoy that prestigious title.


  • Must be of 2000+ Power Level
  • Must have Barrier mod
  • Must have The Final Shape

Episode 3: Heresy Grandmaster List

  • Grandmaster: HyperNet Current
  • Grandmaster: Heist Battleground: Mars
  • Grandmaster: PsiOps Battleground: Cosmodrome
  • Grandmaster: Lake of Shadows
  • Grandmaster: PsiOps Battleground: Moon
  • Grandmaster: The Scarlet Keep
  • Grandmaster: The Insight Terminus
  • Grandmaster: Warden of Nothing
  • Grandmaster: Sunless Cell



Conqueror Seal Destiny 2
Conqueror Seal Destiny 2

Looking for our Standard Destiny 2 Nightfall Service?

Nightfall Strike Destiny 2
Destiny 2 Nightfall Strike

Want Guaranteed God Roll Nightfall Weapons?

Destiny 2 God Roll Nightfall Weapons
God Roll Nightfall Weapons

Away for the day?

Not a problem, we understand your time is valuable, we’re happy to login to your account and complete The Conqueror Seal service for a discounted rate. Please leave a note with you login, the character you would like us to complete your order on, contact info, and the best time to complete it and we will be happy to assist.


Play With Experience

Unfortunately due to the high difficulty of the activity and team cohesion requirement at this time we do not offer a “Play With” service for the Conqueror Title

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will the Conqueror Seal Destiny 2 service take to complete?

We aim to have any service ordered completed within 24 hours, however this does depend on the availability of the playlist and some products may take longer depending on the activity.

If I order an account recovery how do I know you won’t mess with my account?

This is a very common and fair question that we get asked often.

We are a legitimate website with thousands of completed orders over many years and reviews from many real, satisfied customers just like you, but don’t take my word for it. Here are reviews from some of our most recent customers: https://sherpasofdestiny.com/reviews/. At the end of the day, we know that you providing your account to us to complete something for you takes a lot of trust and we take that very seriously, with a 100% guarantee that any damage to your account as a result of your work with us will be fixed entirely out of our pocket. For further peace of mind and accountability, we do encourage that you change your password to a temporary one for any service you receive and change it back after.

If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?

Sherpas will aim to contact through text assuming regions are suitable, otherwise we will contact you at your email. As such it is highly recommended to include both and make sure they are up to date

Do I require any specific weapons or armor?

Outside of specific situations, we don’t require any specific gear. Our sherpas are more than happy to work with whatever you have and can use Destiny Item Manager and your collections to optimize their loadouts.

For any other questions feel free to contact us or ask one of our live chat attendants who will be happy to assist you


Buy Now!

Conqueror’s Triumph Seal – Destiny 2


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