
Shattered Throne

Destiny 2 Dungeon

Destiny 2: Forsaken brings with it a new dungeon, The Shattered Throne.

It’s a mini raid that can be completed by a team for three and a Triumph will pop at the end. Bungie has previously said it would be delivering fresh new content on the reg, and The Shattered Throne definitely delivers.

Enemies towards the end of this mission are in the region of 590 Power so whilst there’s no recommended Power level, we’d recommend making sure at least one of your party is in the region of about 570 Power. You’ll be rewarded with some powerful gear at the end and will hopefully give you the Power boost you need to start the Last Wish raid

Become a Better Guardian Today!

Sherpas of Destiny are here to help you advance in Destiny 2, from the Vault of Glass raid to each challenge in Beyond Light, Season of the Lost, and beyond. Get the loot you want today. Our experts will log into your account, advance you to new stages, and get it done as soon as possible. Become a better Guardian and get equipped with the weapons you need to do it.

New armor, weapons and challenges will be available. Experience this amazing raid with a few changes. New Raid Difficulties, Triumphs and Challenges will be released later in the season as well!

All Rewards are 100% RNG and cannot be guaranteed.

Requirements and Order Options


  • You have to be of 570+ Power Level.

Order Options

Away for the day?

Not a problem, we understand your time is valuable, we’re happy to login to your account and complete the Shattered Throne Dungeon for a discounted rate. Please leave a note with you login, the character you would like us to complete you order on, contact info, and the best time to complete it and we will be happy to assist. 

Play With Experience

Want to run with some of the best players Destiny has to offer to complete your order? All of our Sherpas are top tier players that compete at the highest level in whatever activity they are providing. Running with our Sherpas you can expect a rewarding learning experience, as we go out of our way to teach tips and tricks to improving upon all aspects of the activity that you’re in. We strive to provide more than just a normal carry, taking time to ensure we teach along the way.

Need advice on your class build, armor, or weapon loadout? Ask away! During your run we’ll go over strategies and positioning for whatever activity you’re in. Again, our priority is to offer more than just a carry, rather a learning experience that will leave you equally pleased with the loot and the journey you take along the way.

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Shattered Throne – Destiny 2


134 Completed

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play with isn’t an option for solo or flawless runs

Solo / Flawless Runs

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