
Prismatic Recaster Upgrade

Prismatic Recaster Upgrade


Each rank of the Prismatic Recaster awards the choice of one Gift.

Gifts of Light & Dark

Umbral Enhancement I

Unlocks basic Umbral Focusing capabilities for the Prismatic Recaster.

Umbral Discovery I

Once a day, earn a bonus Umbral Engram by completing a playlist strike, Nightfall: The Ordeal, Crucible or Gambit match, dungeon, raid, or Menagerie activity.

Contact Specialist I

Slightly increases the chance of finding Umbral Engrams by successfully completing Contact public events.

Prismatic Transmutation I

Umbral Engrams awarded from successful Heroic Contact public event completions gain a 5% chance to transform into a random Focused Umbral Engram.

Blood into Stone I

Defeating Elite or Champion combatants with finishers has a 5% chance to drop material from that destination.

Free-Focus Lens I

Increase the quantity of free weekly focuses for basic Umbral Focusing to 4.

Umbral Mastery I

Umbral Surge: Decrypting Umbral Engrams injects a small amount of Twisted Energy directly into the Prismatic Recaster. The first 3 Umbral Engrams decrypted each week award gear at higher Power.

Umbral Enhancement II

The Prismatic Recaster influences the behavior of Umbral Engrams and Twisted Energy.

Umbral Discovery II

Increase the Umbral discovery bonus to 2 times a day.

Contact Specialist II

Moderately increases the chance of finding Umbral Engrams by successfully completing Contact public events.

Prismatic Transmutation II

Increase the chance that Umbral Engrams awarded from successful Heroic Contact public event completions transform into a random Focused Umbral Engram to 10%.

Blood into Stone II

Defeating Elite or Champion combatants with finishers has a 10% chance to drop material from that destination.

Free-Focus Lens II

Increase the quantity of free weekly focuses for basic Umbral Focusing to 5.

Umbral Mastery II

Contact Mastery: Increases Mote carrying limit from 10 to 15 while participating in the Contact public event.

Umbral Enhancement III

Weapons obtained from Focused Umbral Engrams drop with an additional alternate final perk. Armor obtained from Focused Umbral Engrams has a chance to drop with a higher stat value.

Umbral Discovery III

Increase the Umbral discovery bonus to 3 times a day.

Contact Specialist III

Substantially increases the chance of finding Umbral Engrams by successfully completing Contact public events.

Prismatic Transmutation III

Increase the chance that Umbral Engrams awarded from successful Heroic Contact public event completions transform into a random Focused Umbral Engram to 15%.

Blood into Stone III

Defeating Elite or Champion combatants with finishers has a 15% chance to drop material from that destination.

Free-Focus Lens III

Increase the quantity of free weekly focuses for basic Umbral Focusing to 6.

Umbral Mastery III

Focus Mastery: Reduce the cost of all focusing by 50%.

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Prismatic Recaster Upgrade



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