
Eyes Of Tomorrow

Destiny 2 Raid Exotic

What is Eyes of Tomorrow?

This weapon is obtained by completing Destiny 2’s Beyond Light Deep Stone Crypt raid.  Eyes of Tomorrow deals SOLAR damage and is equippable in the power weapon slot.  Don’t spend weeks on end grinding for the new Raid Exotic, let our Sherpas do the work for you!

How Do I Get Eyes of Tomorrow?


Eyes of Tomorrow is a unique exotic rocket launcher that you will want in your arsenal. It offers a powerful weapon that can do serious damage to multiple enemies. It’s both reliable and incredibly challenging to get. Let our experts do the work for you. We guarantee Eyes of Tomorrow, no matter how many times it takes.

How to Get Eyes of Tomorrow, and Why

In Destiny 2, Eyes of Tomorrow is different from many exotics. Instead of being a random drop, there is a guaranteed location. The only problem is that it’s very challenging to obtain. You have to complete the final encounter in the Deep Stone Crypt raid.

This can take SEVERAL WEEKS TO COMPLETE as you can only complete the boss checkpoint on each character one time each reset, for a max of 3 changes per week to obtain. But not to worry. We will complete the Final CP until you receive the Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Launcher.

You will definitely want Destiny 2’s Eyes of Tomorrow. It launches multiple rockets with a single shot and can kill four enemies at once. This makes it an incredibly useful weapon to have.

When to Use Eyes of Tomorrow

Eyes of Tomorrow excels in both PvE and PvP due to its ability to take out multiple enemies at once. It’s great for clearing out groups of enemies in a crowded firefight. Plus, you can quickly switch back to your primary weapon once the mass damage has been inflicted.

More About Eyes of Tomorrow

Eyes of Tomorrow is a new exotic rocket launcher introduced in Beyond Light. It is found in the final encounter of the Deep Stone Crypt raid. Eyes of Tomorrow deals SOLAR damage and is equippable in the power weapon slot.  Don’t spend weeks on end grinding for the new Raid Exotic, let our Sherpas do the work for you!

To get Eyes of Tomorrow, you need to be at least 1230 Power Level and have Beyond Light DLC.

Become a Better Guardian Today!

Get Eyes of Tomorrow and add a powerful new exotic rocket launcher to your arsenal. Our experts at Sherpas of Destiny will do the work, no matter how much work it takes, to get this versatile new tool for you. Our Sherpas can guide you through any Destiny 2 season challenge.

Must be of 1230+ Power Level
Must have the Beyond Light DLC
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Eyes Of Tomorrow – Destiny 2


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