Tomorrow’s Answer God Roll Farm – Destiny 2
Tomorrow’s Answer(Adept) God Roll Farm!
You Need a Flawless Trials Passage for this Product!

Destiny 2’s Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) is a Void Rocket Launcher. This is a High-Impact Frame Rocket Launcher with a rather unique perk available for the first time, Withering Gaze. Withering Gaze is a new perk with Episode Revenant (Season 25) that allows you to debuff targets with your rocket! Look below to see a list of available perks that make this weapon a unique powerhouse! Tomorrow’s Answer(Adept) is only available from the Trials Of Osiris. Unlock your God Roll Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) today!
Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) can only be obtained by participating in Destiny 2’s Trials Of Osiris. Tomorrow’s Answer can drop as an adept version but only on weekends where its offered in the flawless loot pool. Additional weapons and rewards can also be purchased by focusing and turning in engrams as Saint 14 the Trials Of Osiris Vendor but they will be regular variants..
Not everyone has the time or skill to unlock Destiny 2’sTomorrow’s Answer (Adept) . Get help from our expert Sherpas and enjoy playing with this legendary grenade launcher right away.
Service Details
We will win games on a Flawless Trials of Osiris card for you to get additional Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) rolls. You are purchasing INDIVIDUAL Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) in hopes that you can get your PvE or PvP god roll.
You must have unlocked Trials Of Osiris
You must be of 1975+ Power Level
You must have the glimmer & legendary shards required to farm
Best Perks for the Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept)
Tomorrow’s Answer is still relatively new and we haven’t had a chance to analyze the Adept variant! Here is a list of great perks and combinations for both PvE and PvP that we can currently work out with the non-Adept stat buff!
Here is a list of Episode Revenant (Season 25) Perks for this weapon:
Perk Column 1:
- Tracking Module: Adds tracking capability to rockets. Locks onto targets when aiming down sights.
- Envious Arsenal: Dealing damage with both other weapons before readying this weapon refills it from reserves.
- Impulse Amplifier: Massively increases projectile velocity, increases reload speed.
- Envious Assassin: Defeating targets with other weapons before drawing this one transfers ammo to the magazine from reserves. This effect can overflow the magazine based on the number of targets defeated.
- Danger Zone: The blast radius of this weapon increases when surrounded by combatants. While active, this weapon deals significantly less damage to the wielder.
- Air Trigger: Increased ammo reserves. When airborne, accuracy and reload speed are increased but target acquisition is decreased.
- Withering Gaze: Aiming this weapon for a short period of time without firing grants the ability to weaken the next target. Timer resets after firing or when you stop aiming down sights.
Perk Column 2:
- Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against bosses, vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active.
- Frenzy: Being in combat for an extended time increases damage, handling, and reload for this weapon until you are out of combat.
- Explosive Light: Picking up an Orb of Power increases the next projectile’s blast radius and damage.
- Cluster Bomb: Rockets spawn cluster bombs upon detonation.
- Chain Reaction: Each final blow with this weapon creates an elemental damage explosion.
- Bipod: Increases Rocket Launcher ammo and reserves, but reduces damage, blast radius, and reload speed.
- Bait and Switch: Deal damage with all equipped weapons within a short time to give this weapon a damage boost.
Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) God Roll for PvE
Here are some recommended perk combinations for using the Yesterday’s Question (Adept) Hand Cannon in PvE. These perks are some that have been released with Episode Revenant (Season 25) Release.
Best Main Perk Options:
First Perk Column Options:
Good Perk:
- Withering Gaze: This perk on a rocket is a good keepsake. With artifact perks cycling out constantly you’ll never know what type of debuffs or stacking debuffs may be here from season to season. Having a void rocket where you can aim, shoot, and weaken for debuff for you and your team can prove invaluable now and even two years from now!
- Air Trigger: While we usually focus on the increased reload speed when triggered in the air by this perk, the secondary effect of more ammo reserves is just as important with this perk on a rocket like Tomorrow’s Answer. You’ll be able to pump out rockets throughout encounters with ease with a perk like this.
- Envious Assassin: This perk is always great on a rocket, providing additional ammo in your rocket’s magazine as long as you have a few enemies you can finish off before swapping to your rocket! With Tomorrow’s Answer only having a magazine size of 1, this perk will double your DPS without a reload!
Must Have Perk:
- Envious Arsenal: This is the first notable rocket to have this perk. Instead of needing to finish off enemies to trigger more rockets in a magazine, you simply need to hit a target with your primary and secondary weapons to reload your rocket from reserves. This is an invaluable perk for hectic encounters and translates just as well with DPS phases for bosses as well! If you pair this with Bait and Switch you have what we believe is the best rocket perk combination in the game! The Enhanced version of this perk will also give you increased ammo reserves, making this very strong perk even better!
Second Perk Column Options:
Good Perks:
- All Perks: None of the perks in column 2 are too bad to not use, its more about combinations, situations, and activities you are wanting to use it in. Instead look at the good combinations section for what you should pair together for given situations.
Must Have:
- Bait and Switch: This is the best damaging perk in the game. Damage an enemy with both of your other weapons and get 30% damage buff for multiple rockets! Pair this with Envious Arsenal in the first perk column and you have an unbeatable rocket combo, especially for a void rocket launcher! It still pairs great with Air Trigger, Envious Assassin, and Withering Gaze. You just cannot go wrong with this perk.
Perk Combinations:
Good Combinations:
- Danger Zone and Chain Reaction: This will shine in activities where you have very high add density that you also want the versatility of a rocket launcher and a large blast radius over something like a heavy grenade launcher.
- Envious Assassin/Envious Arsenal + Vorpal Weapon/Explosive Light: These combinations give you great add clear options while being amazing champion, mini-boss and boss damage for a rocket! Higher uptime with rockets with more damage with the rockets is just overall always a good combination.
Must Have Perk Combination:
- Envious Arsenal + Bait and Switch: This is the best rocket combination since the Apex Predator Reconstruction + Bait and Switch combination. Being able to easily trigger rocket reloads in the process of triggering the Bait and Switch damage perk gives this perk combination the best synergy in the game. Instead of having to count in your head if your rockets will be reloaded like with Reconstruction you will know that both your Envious Arsenal + Bait And Switch will be ready after a few hits of each weapon! If you still like your Apex Predator roll it is still worth getting this Tomorrow’s Answer roll as it’s a void rocket launcher! With confirmation that Pantheon like boss gauntlets will be returning, its always good to have elemental weapon diversity!
Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) God Roll for PvP:
First Perk Columns:
Great Options:
- Impulse Amplifier: This will let your rocket get to your target more quickly, leaving them less time to escape!
- Tracking Module: This is another perk option to help with escaping targets in PvP. Tracking Module is quite a bit stronger than what people usually think, it should not be underestimated in PvP.
Second Perk Columns:
Great Perks:
- Chain Reaction: This will let you get multiple kills much more than you’d think. Grabbing one kill on a target poking out of an entrance can be extra deadly for their teammates as the explosion spreads to them.
- Cluster Bombs: While they don’t tend to chain kills quite like chain reaction does, it can help secure kills on targets that would have lived from the initial blast.
Best Combinations:
- Impulse Amplifier + Chain Reaction: This would be the best roll for someone looking for quick heavy ammo use to secure 1-3 kills from a single rocket. While rocket launchers aren’t exactly the best PvP options, for those wanting to score quick kills with their heavy ammo and get back into primary gun fights they are still very solid!
Get This Gun Before You Know It
We understand that not everyone has the time in their schedule to unlock the Destiny 2 Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept). Recruit a faithful Sherpa to unlock this weapon and other God Roll’s for you. We guarantee our services and ensure every player gets the gun that they want. Order now, or see what other satisfied Guardians have to say about our Sherpas.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How long will this Destiny 2 – Tomorrow’s Answer (Adept) God Roll Farm Service take to complete?
We aim to have any service ordered completed with 24 hours, however this does depend on the availability of the playlist and some products may take longer depending on the activity. God roll services in particular can take multiple days to complete due to the RNG nature of the service.
If I order an account recovery how do I know you won’t mess with my account?
This is a very common and fair question that we get asked often.
We are a legitimate website with thousands of completed orders over many years and reviews from many real, satisfied customers just like you, but don’t take my word for it. Here are reviews from some of our most recent customers: At the end of the day, we know that you providing your account to us to complete something for you takes a lot of trust and we take that very seriously, with a 100% guarantee that any damage to your account as a result of your work with us will be fixed entirely out of our pocket. For further peace of mind and accountability, we do encourage that you change your password to a temporary one for any service you receive and change it back after.
If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?
Sherpas will aim to contact through text assuming regions are suitable, otherwise we will contact you at your email. As such it is highly recommended to include both and make sure they are up to date
Do I require any specific weapons or armor?
Outside of specific situations, we don’t require any specific gear. Our sherpas are more than happy to work with whatever you have and can use Destiny Item Manager and your collections to optimize their loadouts.
For any other questions feel free to contact us or ask one of our live chat attendants who will be happy to assist you