
Destiny 2 Materials and Bounties 

Destiny 2

How do I prepare for a New Destiny 2 Expansion or Episode Launch?

This product has been updated for The Final Shape! With The Final Shape Raid coming 3 days after the launch of the expansion its more important than ever to be stocked up on bounties! Stock up on completed bounties and materials in order to have a head start when any new Destiny 2 Season starts. Completed bounties will be turned in once the new seasonal artifact in unlocked, providing an instant boost to your season pass level. Upgrade and planetary materials will be used to upgrade all the new gear you obtain during the latest Destiny 2 update.

What do you recommend guardians stock up on to get ready for a New Destiny 2 Expansion?

The bounties listed below should be completed, ready to turn in for immediate XP gains.

  • 8x Daily Bounties from the Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard and Gunsmith vendors
  • 2x Weekly Bounties from Moon, Nightmare and the Cosmodrome
  • 4x Weekly Bounties from Europa
  • 8x Weekly Clan Bounties
  • The Bounties from Iron Banner
  • The Weekly Starhorse Bounty

What about recommended Destiny 2 materials?

  • 60x Ascendant Shards (30 in inventory, 10 in post master on each character)
  • 200x Enhancement Prisms
  • 960x Spoils of Conquest
  • 120x Strange Coins
  • 84x Treasure Keys
  • 200+ Enhancement Cores
  • 2000+ Gunsmith Materials (Retired)
  • 3000+ Legendary Shards (Retired with The Final Shape)
  • 2000+ Spinmetal (Retired)
  • 2000+ Helium Filaments (Retired)
  • 2000+ Glacial Starwort (Retired)
  • 2000+ Microphastic Datalattice (Retired)
  • 2000+ Baryon Bough (Retired)
  • 2000+ Dusklight Shard (Retired)

Service Details

Our team of professional Sherpas will login and complete the desired amount of upgrade materials or bounties requested. This will reward you with upgrade materials and bounties ready to be turned in after the launch of latest Destiny 2 Season. If you have specific questions or would like to order something not listed above, we are available 24/7 via live chat or email.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will this Destiny 2 – Season Preparation Service take to complete?

We aim to have any service ordered completed with 24 hours, however this does depend on the availability of the playlist and some products may take longer depending on the activity. 

If I order an account recovery how do I know you won’t mess with my account?

This is a very common and fair question that we get asked often.

We are a legitimate website with thousands of completed orders over many years and reviews from many real, satisfied customers just like you, but don’t take my word for it. Here are reviews from some of our most recent customers: https://sherpasofdestiny.com/reviews/. At the end of the day, we know that you providing your account to us to complete something for you takes a lot of trust and we take that very seriously, with a 100% guarantee that any damage to your account as a result of your work with us will be fixed entirely out of our pocket. For further peace of mind and accountability, we do encourage that you change your password to a temporary one for any service you receive and change it back after.

If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?

Sherpas will aim to contact through text assuming regions are suitable, otherwise we will contact you at your email. As such it is highly recommended to include both and make sure they are up to date

Do I require any specific weapons or armor?

Outside of specific situations, we don’t require any specific gear. Our sherpas are more than happy to work with whatever you have and can use Destiny Item Manager and your collections to optimize their loadouts.

For any other questions feel free to contact us or ask one of our live chat attendants who will be happy to assist you

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Materials and Bounties – Destiny 2


Priority service, skip the line!

Bounty and Materials Test - Destiny 2


Bounty Options (Click to Enable Slider):

Vanguard Bounties

Select the desired amount of Daily Vanguard Bounties you want completed. (6,000 XP per bounty)

Crucible Bounties

Select the desired amount of Daily Crucible Bounties you want completed. (6,000 XP per bounty)

Gambit Bounties

Select the desired amount of Daily Gambit Bounties you want completed. (6,000 XP per bounty)

Gunsmith Bounties

Select the desired amount of Daily Gunsmith Bounties you want completed. (6,000 XP per bounty)

Moon Bounties

Select the desired amount of Weekly Moon Bounties you want to be completed. (12,000 XP per bounty)

Nightmare Bounties

Select the desired amount of Weekly Nightmare Bounties you want to be completed. (12,000 XP per bounty)

Cosmodrome Bounties

Select the desired amount of Weekly Cosmodrome Bounties you want to be completed. (12,000 XP per bounty)

Europa Bounties

Select the desired amount of Weekly Europa Bounties you want to be completed. (12,000 XP per bounty)

Clan Bounties

Clan Bounties
Select the amount of Clan Bounties you want our Sherpas to complete.

Starhorse Bounties

Starhorse Bounties
Pricing is per character.
Materials Options (Click to Enable Slider):

Ascendant Shards

Select the desired amount of Ascendant Shards you want farmed. (Max = 10 Inventory, 10 per character's postmaster)

Ascendant Shards Play For/Play With

Enhancement Prisms

Select the desired amount of Enhancement Prisms you want farmed. (Max = 50 Inventory, 50 per character's postmaster)

Enhancement Cores

Select the desired amount of Enhacement Cores you want farmed. (Max = No Cap, Recommended 200+)

Spoils of Conquest

Select the desired amount of Spoils of Conquest you want farmed. (Max = 240 Inventory, 240 per character's postmaster)

Strange Coins

Select the desired amount of Strange Coins you want farmed. (Max = 30 Inventory, 30 per character's postmaster)

Treasure Keys

Select the desired amount of Treasure Keys you want farmed. (Max = 21 Inventory, 21 per character's postmaster)


Fast Pass
Priority service, skip the line!

Player Information

Which Character(s)?

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