
Destiny 2 – Reed’s Regret

Reed’s Regret God Roll Farm!

Destiny 2’s Reed’s Regret is a new Heavy Linear Fusion Rifle! This powerful Linear Fusion Rifle was released during the Season Of The Lost and is only available from the Trials Of Osiris. Unlock your God Roll Reed’s Regret today!

The Reed’s Regret can only be obtained by participating in Destiny 2’s Trials Of Osiris. The Reed’s Regret can drop as an adept version but only on weekends where its offered in the flawless loot pool. Additional weapons and rewards can also be purchased by focusing and turning in engrams as Saint 14 the Trials Of Osiris Vendor.

Not everyone has the time or skill to unlock Destiny 2’s Reed’s Regret. Get help from our expert Sherpas and enjoy playing with this legendary linear fusion rifle right away.

Service Details

By default we will farm a PVE God Roll Reed’s Regret with 2 Guaranteed Perks : Triple Tap + Vorpal Weapon. If you want 2 different perks please leave a note in the additional notes section of the checkout page.

We cannot guarantee the Masterwork slot unless the option to include a guaranteed Masterwork option is selected, please note that a guaranteed Masterwork option does increase the price by a significant amount due to rng nature to obtain.


You must have unlocked Trials Of Osiris
You must be of 1790+ Power Level
You must have the glimmer & legendary shards required to farm

Best Perks for the Reed’s Regret

The Reed’s Regret has high impact and range stats, making it an excellent weapon boss-focused DPS.

The Reed’s Regret is a stasis Linear Fusion Rifle that should be used as a go to Boss DPS weapon. With a combination of perks like Vorpal Damage, Triple tap and a higher magazine capacity you will being do big damage against bosses for a longer period of time.

Reed’s Regret God Roll for PvE

Here are some recommended perks for using the Reed’s Regret in PvE. With this roll, you’re
making up for the weapon’s recoil and handling, as well as maintaining DPS uptime.

Arrowhead Brake: Improves the gun’s recoil while increasing its handling speed.
Liquid Coils or Enhanced Battery: Speed up the charge time or increase the impact.
Triple Tap: Rapidly landing hits (3) will return 1 round to the magazine.
Vorpal Weapon or Firing Line: Increased Boss damage or increased precision damage around 2 allies.

Reed’s Regret God Roll for PvP

These perks enhance the Reed’s Regret range and stability even further, making it more
lethal than before:

Corkscrew Rifling: Increases range, stability, and handling speed.
Accelerated Coils: Increases impact damage while slowing down charge time.
Heating Up: Final blows will increase the gun’s accuracy and stability while improving
vertical recoil.
Rampage or Adagio: Both perks will apply additional damage after defeating a foe.

When to Use the Reed’s Regret

This is an Stasis-damage Linear Fusion Rifle that’s especially useful in PvE settings. Its biggest strength
is a hard hitting Boss-focused DPS gun paired with a SMG or Shotgun to handle up close encounters.

Get This Gun Before You Know It

We understand that not everyone has the time in their schedule to unlock the Destiny 2 Reed’s Regret. Recruit a faithful Sherpa to unlock this weapon and other God Roll’s for you. We guarantee our services and ensure every player gets the gun that they want. Order now, or see what other satisfied Guardians have to say about our Sherpas.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will this Destiny 2 – Reed’s Regret God Roll Farm Service take to complete?

We aim to have any service ordered completed with 24 hours, however this does depend on the availability of the playlist and some products may take longer depending on the activity. God roll services in particular can take multiple days to complete due to the rng nature of the service. If at any point your are dissatisfied with the service and the time to complete we will refund up to 50% of the service’s value or exchange the service for something of equal value. 

If I order an account recovery how do I know you won’t mess with my account?

This is a very common and fair question that we get asked often.

We are a legitimate website with thousands of completed orders over many years and reviews from many real, satisfied customers just like you, but don’t take my word for it. Here are reviews from some of our most recent customers: https://sherpasofdestiny.com/reviews/. At the end of the day, we know that you providing your account to us to complete something for you takes a lot of trust and we take that very seriously, with a 100% guarantee that any damage to your account as a result of your work with us will be fixed entirely out of our pocket. For further peace of mind and accountability, we do encourage that you change your password to a temporary one for any service you receive and change it back after.

If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?

Sherpas will aim to contact through text assuming regions are suitable, otherwise we will contact you at your email. As such it is highly recommended to include both and make sure they are up to date

Do I require any specific weapons or armor?

Outside of specific situations, we don’t require any specific gear. Our sherpas are more than happy to work with whatever you have and can use Destiny Item Manager and your collections to optimize their loadouts.

For any other questions feel free to contact us or ask one of our live chat attendants who will be happy to assist you

Buy Now!

Reed’s Regret God Roll


Priority service, skip the line!

Reed's Regret (Adept) - Destiny 2


Want a Flawless Trials Card?

Reed's Regret (Adept)

Select the amount of Reed's Regret (Adept) you want farmed.

Play For/Play With
God Roll Options
Applies to one weapon.

Reed's Regret (Normal)

Select the amount of Reed's Regret (Normal) you want farmed.

Play For/Play With
God Roll Options
Applies to one weapon.


Fast Pass
Priority service, skip the line!

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