
Festival of the Lost – Destiny 2 Seasonal Activity

Festival of the Lost is back in Destiny 2! With the Festival of the Lost comes a new type of activity, Haunted Lost Sectors mode, a kind of cross between a Lost Sector and a Crucible control match. Unlock unique rewards including masks and the all new weapons!

How Does the Festival Of The Lost Work?

The Festival of the Lost is like a mini-seasonal event, the gone but not forgotten quest will teach you the basics for this activity. Earn Spectral Pages by completing Strikes, Crucible Matches, Gambit Matches, seasonal activities and much more. In order to earn Spectral Pages you need to be completing activities while wearing the mask that Eva Levante gives you at the start of the quest.

Once you have earned some Spectral Pages you’ll need to jump into some Haunted Lost Sectors. The Haunted Lost Sectors will matchmake you with 2 other guardians decked out in Halloween garb. Battle your way thru the Haunted Lost Sector defeating headless ogres. For every headless ogre you defeat you will transform one spectral page into a manifested page.

Back in the tower turn your manifested pages into a Book of the Forgotten, which will net you some new lore as well as some seasonal loot.

What Do I Get Out Of Festival Of The Lost 2023?

Festival of the Lost
Festival of the Lost 2023

As you turn in Manifested Pages the drop rate for weapons increases making the weapons more likely to be obtained.

You will also receive Candy from pretty much every Destiny 2 activity. Candy can be used to purchase masks from Eva or goodie bags filled with even more weapon loot.

Outside of the weapon rewards, there is also a special sparrow, emblem and shader that you can only earn by completing special Festival Of The Lost Triumphs.

Service Options

Haunted Lost Sectors – Rewards Candy / Weapons
Candy Boost – Select the amount of Candy we should farm.
Daily & Weekly Bounties – 4x Daily, 2x Weekly
Manifested Pages – Let us farm manifested pages for you.
Masks – Unlock and collect all 6 Masks.

Don’t Have Time to Unlock Weapons?

Not a problem. With our expert boosting services, you can recruit a skilled Sherpa to log in to
your account and play for you. With their help, you save yourself from endless grinding and
frustration. This way, you can enjoy Destiny 2 on your terms with the weapons and armor you

Boost Your Guardian Now

Get the best weapons and armor with help from the best players in all of Destiny 2. Play alongside them, or let them play for you. Your experience with our Sherpas will always be fun and rewarding, and you’ll improve as a player.

Whether you need help completing Destiny 2’s Garden of Salvation, or another activity in the Season of the Lost, our Sherpas are there. Order now, and become a better Guardian today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will this Festival Of The Lost Service take to complete?

We aim to have any service ordered completed with 24 hours, however this does depend on the availability of the playlist and some products may take longer depending on the activity.

If I order an account recovery how do I know you won’t mess with my account?

This is a very common and fair question that we get asked often.

We are a legitimate website with thousands of completed orders over many years and reviews from many real, satisfied customers just like you, but don’t take my word for it. Here are reviews from some of our most recent customers: https://sherpasofdestiny.com/reviews/. At the end of the day, we know that you providing your account to us to complete something for you takes a lot of trust and we take that very seriously, with a 100% guarantee that any damage to your account as a result of your work with us will be fixed entirely out of our pocket. For further peace of mind and accountability, we do encourage that you change your password to a temporary one for any service you receive and change it back after.

If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?

Sherpas will aim to contact through text assuming regions are suitable, otherwise we will contact you at your email. As such it is highly recommended to include both and make sure they are up to date

Do I require any specific weapons or armor?

Outside of specific situations, we don’t require any specific gear. Our sherpas are more than happy to work with whatever you have and can use Destiny Item Manager and your collections to optimize their loadouts.

For any other questions feel free to contact us or ask one of our live chat attendants who will be happy to assist you

Buy Now!

Festival Of The Lost – Destiny 2


Priority service, skip the line!

Festival of the Lost 2024 – Destiny 2


Haunted Lost Sectors

Our Sherpas will sign onto your profile to complete the Selected Amount of Haunted Lost Sector completions.

Play For/Play With

Legend Haunted Lost Sectors

Our Sherpas will sign onto your profile to complete the Selected Amount of Legend Haunted Lost Sector completions.



Manifested Pages

Our Sherpas will sign onto your profile to complete the Selected Amount of Manifested Pages.

Daily Bounties

Weekly Bounties

Candy Boost
Our Sherpas will sign onto your profile to farm the Selected Amount of Candy.

Entire Triumph Steps 1-3. Please enter live chat if you don't need the full triumph.
Sophisticated Sculpting
Sophisticated Sculpting
Our Sherpas will sign in and complete the Sophisticated Sculpting Quest on the character you select
Twilight Triumph
Twilight Triumph
Our Sherpas will sign in and complete the Twilight Triumph on the character you select. You must have completed the Mask Triumph listed underneath of this description.
Triumphs needed for Twilight Triumph:


Fast Pass
Priority service, skip the line!

Player Information

Which Character(s)?

Shayura’s Wrath from Trials | GGS25Off for 25% Off Guardian Games | GM Nightfall Node Live with The Slammer | Competitive Division Updated
