Destiny 2: Vow of the Disciple Raid
Vow of the Disciple is a new raid in Destiny’s 2 latest expansion, The Witch Queen. This expansion was supposed to release in 2021, but due to the pandemic, the expansion was released late in February 2022. The Witch Queen added a new location, new world activities, and a new raid, Vow of the Disciple which released a couple of months after the DLC came out. The DLC also added a new weapon class, glaives! Glaives are brand new weapon type, they feature both melee and short-range attacks, while also providing good defensive capabilities while blocking.
To take on this Destiny 2 raid, you need to own The Witch Queen expansion and have over a 1530 Power Level.
How To Start The Vow of the Disciple Raid
This raid is one of the most difficult in the whole game, you will need all six guardians to complete it, as it has some pretty powerful enemies and rather intricate puzzles. So if you’re feeling confident but don’t want to go in blind, this article will help you. If you don’t have any reliable teammates that can play with you at the moment, you can visit this link so that you find some fantastic players to help you complete this raid.
One of the essential things in this raid is to be able to memorize all the twenty-seven symbols that will appear during each encounter. It is crucial to try and remember all of them and their common names so that you can consistently communicate with your team for each encounter. Below is a chart containing all symbols and their names, but you can name them however you want, as it can make it easier for you and your teammates to memorize them.

First Encounter – Acquisition
The first encounter in this raid does not contain a boss fight, but teamwork will be essential if you want to get past it. To start it, you will need to shoot a crux, so before doing that, go around the map, and get familiar with it, as it will help you a lot during combat. You will come across the obelisks, and your mission will be to defend them from an endless wave of enemies, you will need to split up into three different teams. And here is why it is important to remember all glyphs and their names, as eventually, they will appear on the obelisk you are protecting, and one guardian of each team will need to roam around the map. The glyphs will let you know where enemies will come from and where a specific one, the Disciple’s Compass Token can be located. Defeating him will reveal a second glyph that will tell you which room the roamer must enter. After that, the obelisk will display the final glyph, indicating which Glyphkeeper the roamers must defeat.
After that, you and your team will need to find three random glyphs across the map, and when doing so, one of the three obelisks will display these three glyphs, so be sure to memorize them. You will need to shoot each of the correct glyphs quickly, and if you’re able to do that, it will accept your offering, and you will then need to repeat this process for the remaining two obelisks.
The Caretaker
The next encounter is against The Caretaker, this encounter is a bit simpler compared to the previous one. You are in a giant room with four floors, each of them has a dark room, an obelisk, and three plates. If The Caretaker reaches the obelisks, or if you take too long, they will explode and kill everyone. So once again, you will need to split your fireteam into groups. Some will have to run around and collect glyph buffs. You will need to remember them, and once you collect them all, return to the obelisk and shoot all three glyphs that you collected. But be sure to change places with your teammates, as staying in the room where the glyphs are will give you a Pervading Darkness debuff that can kill you if it lingers too long.
After completing all nine symbols, your team will progress to the next phase, where you will be able to damage The Caretaker. You will stand on some plates doing so will make them glow, allowing you to DPS the Caretaker for a short time. If you deal enough damage, or the last plate glow ends, The Caretaker will move up to the next level. You will follow him and repeat this process until you reach the fourth and final floor, where you will have to defeat him before the light from the last plate fades. If you fail to do so, you will die and will have to start again from the bottom floor.
The Upended Summit
You will now go to the third encounter, The Upended Summit. You will need to go through four rooms and kill the boss before a debuff called Terminal Resonance expires and kills you and your teammates. Each room will be considerably more challenging than the previous one, so always communicate with your friends, and work together to make it to the boss. You will need to utilize 4 different relics from past Destiny 2 raids cleansing darkness, killing blights and dealing with waves of enemies as you progress thru 4 different rooms. If you reach the last area, you will finally come across the raid’s final boss, Rhulk.
Rhulk Boss Fight
He is a pretty challenging Raid boss, you will need to have great teamwork in order to beat him. Right at the beginning, Rhulk will cast a giant shard that will inflict players with the debuff Pervading Darkness. So please have one of your teammates focus on the crystal and destroy it. Doing so will grant players a buff, Leeching Force, that will absorb Rhulk’s laser beams attack. When getting hit by the laser, players with this buff will upgrade their Leeching Force to an Emanating Force.
This new buff will allow your fireteam member to enter Rhulk’s barrier and deposit it, if you deposit it into the right pillars, it will push the barrier back to the next phase. In order to know which pillar is the correct one, your teammates will have to help you by finding the proper symbols and telling players with Emanating Force which pillar they have to fill. After doing this six times, you will finally be able to deal damage to Rhulk. Well not quite yet, as you will have to shoot weak points in him to be able to deal damage to him finally. There are four glowing weak points in total, and he won’t make it easy for you to break them. After damaging all four weak points he will go into a frenzy but will take damage. Be sure to hit him with high damage weapons, and after some time, he will once again raise his shield, meaning you will need to repeat this process three times until he enters his last stand. He will once again start chasing you, but this time he will also be inflicting the Pervading Darkness debuff, if you take too long to kill him you and your teammates will die and have to start the fight from the start! But if you manage to defeat him, congratulations! You have completed the Vow of the Disciple Raid!
And now, here are all the drops you can get from this raid. While the Raid isn’t easy, its drops are extremely powerful, and all weapons are craftable. The raid armor is excellent and will help you complete the raid again with more ease.
Vow of the Disciple Raid: Weapon Drops
Four encounters can reward you with brand new weapons and armor in this raid. However, let’s start by focusing on the weapons obtainable during the Raid.

One of the best things about all the weapons drops in the Vow of the Disciple raid is that all weapons are craftable. If you are too busy to grind, but you want one of these weapons, click this link, you will see that we offer you a chance to have one of our players log in to your account and complete the raid for you! If this is of interest to you, check out our Vow of the Disciple Raid boosting.
Vow of the Disciple Raid Armor
This new Raid armor set looks fantastic! Obtainable from various encounters during the Vow of the Disciple Raid. These armor pieces include the Resonant Fury Mask, Vest, Cloak, Grips, and Stride, by collecting them all, you will have the complete Resonant Fury Armor set. Here is what each individual piece looks like for a hunter:

Vow of the Disciple, How To Get Collective Obligation Destiny 2 Exotic

Collective Obligation is the raid’s exotic reward, a fantastic weapon! Its intrinsic trait is called void leech, it leeches void debuff from weakened, suppressed, or volatile targets. Collective Obligation shots will apply the same debuff effects from the void it leeched using its alternate firing mode. You can essentially store these effects with this weapon unleashing them at a time of your choosing!
Umbral Sustenance, its exotic trait, will automatically reload the weapon if the player has the Devour effect, a void overshield applied, or if he becomes invisible. But since it is an exotic weapon, it won’t be easy to get it, as it has a really low drop rate. To make it even harder, you can only attempt to acquire it once a week with each character for a total of 3 attempts each week. The weapon can only drop when completing the raid’s final encounter and defeating the final boss, Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness. If you don’t have all week to grind for the Collective Obligation Raid exotic checkout our Guaranteed Collective Obligation service!
Vow Of The Disciple – Loot Table

Remember that all legendary weapons from this raid are craftable, so once you complete and acquire all five Deepsight Resonance versions of them, you will be able to create the exact weapon you want! You get these weapons as a reward from the encounters, the raid’s secret chests, or from purchasing them from the final boss raid chest by using twenty Spoils Of Conquest or by completing one of the raid’s hidden puzzles.