
Yesterday’s Question God Roll Farm – Destiny 2

Yesterday’s Question (Adept) God Roll Farm!

You Need a Flawless Trials Passage for this Product!

Yesterday's Question (Adept) - Destiny 2
Yesterday’s Question (Adept) – Destiny 2

Destiny 2’s Yesterday’s Question (Adept) is a heavy burst Arc hand cannon. Heavy burst hand cannons are an incredibly underrated archetype of weapon. Until now, there has been a distinct lack of heavy burst hand cannon weapons with great PvP perk options, that changes with Yesterday’s Question (Adept)! Look below to see a list of available perks that make this weapon a unique powerhouse! Yesterday’s Question (Adept) is only available from the Trials Of Osiris. Unlock your God Roll Yesterday’s Question (Adept) today!

Yesterday’s Question (Adept) can only be obtained by participating in Destiny 2’s Trials Of Osiris. Yesterday’s Question can drop as an adept version but only on weekends where its offered in the flawless loot pool. Additional weapons and rewards can also be purchased by focusing and turning in engrams as Saint 14 the Trials Of Osiris Vendor but they will be regular variants..

Not everyone has the time or skill to unlock Destiny 2’s Yesterday’s Question (Adept) . Get help from our expert Sherpas and enjoy playing with this legendary hand cannon right away.

Service Details

We will win games on a Flawless Trials of Osiris card for you to get additional Yesterday’s Question (Adept) rolls. You are purchasing INDIVIDUAL Yesterday’s Questionr (Adept) in hopes that you can get your PvE or PvP god roll.


You must have unlocked Trials Of Osiris
You must be of 1975+ Power Level
You must have the glimmer & legendary shards required to farm

Best Perks for the Yesterday’s Question (Adept)

Yesterday’s Question is still relatively new and we haven’t had a chance to analyze the Adept variant! Here is a list of great perks and combinations for both PvE and PvP that we can currently work out with the non-Adept stat buff!

Here is a list of Episode Revenant (Season 25) Perks for this weapon:

Perk Column 1:

  • Air Trigger: Increased Accuracy and Reload while airborne.
  • Closing Time: Grants linearly scaling benefits as the Magazine drops from 50% capacity to empty.
  • Fourth Time’s The Charm: Scoring 4 Precision Hits within 2 seconds of each refills 2 Ammo into the Magazine from thin air.
  • Lone Wolf: Passively grants 10 Aim Assist, 10 Airborne Effectiveness, and a 0.9x ADS Duration Multiplier. Stat bonuses are doubled and the ADS Duration Multiplier is decresed to 0.8x while no allies are within 15 meters.
  • Dragonfly: Precision Kills cause targets to explode, dealing up to 123.89 [PVP: 95.3] elemental damage in a 4.5 meter radius.
  • Rapid Hit: Rapid precision hits temporarily increase stability and reload speed.
  • To The Pain: While this weapon is equipped, taking damage increases handling and aim assist until the weapon is stowed.

Perk Column 2:

  • Desperate Measures: Weapon final blows grant bonus damage. Melee and grenade final blows grant a larger damage bonus that can stack.
  • Headseeker: Body shots landed with this weapon increase precision damage and aim assist for a short time. Body shots landed while the perk is active refresh the time.
  • Eye of the Storm: This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
  • Moving Target: Increased movement speed and target acquisition when moving while aiming down sights.
  • Voltshot: Reloading this weapon after defeating a target overcharges this weapon for a short period of time, causing it to jolt on its next hit.
  • Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against bosses, vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active.
  • Zen Moment: Causing damage with this weapon reduces recoil and flinch over time.

Yesterday’s Question (Adept) God Roll for PvE

Here are some recommended perk combinations for using the Yesterday’s Question (Adept) Hand Cannon in PvE. These perks are some that have been released with Episode Revenant (Season 25) Release.

Best Main Perk Options:

First Perk Column Options:


  • Air Trigger: A simple bunny hop will negate the inherent long reload time that most burst hand cannons have. If you like to be back in the action quickly, its a decent option.
  • Dragon Fly: If you are doing content that deals with constant wave of enemies, this perk and its explosive chain reaction is a tried and true staple in the Destiny community! The precision kills also grant you increased reload speed to keep you in the action.

Very Good:

  • Rapid Hit: If you are like me and will forget to jump to activate Air Trigger, Rapid Hit procs on each bullet thats part of the heavy burst of Yesterday’s Question, significantly bumping up the reload speed as long as you are hitting a target!

Must Have (Hunter Lucky Pants Edition):

  • Fourth Times the Charm: An Enhanced version of this perk gives you a larger window to chain precision hits and return 2 shots to your magazine, negating the need to reload significantly! With lucky pants this perk works amazing for sustaining damage for your entire Lucky Pants buff, dealing massive damage to mini-bosses and bosses alike. Lucky Pants no longer gives 600% weapon damage, but instead 450% damage, with the trade off being that you can use ANY subclass with Yesterday’s Question and Lucky Pants, restricting your builds a lot less!

Second Perk Column Options:

Must Have:

  • Voltshot: Voltshot continues to be a heavyweight, must have perk when its offered on a weapon. The ability to jolt and stun minor, major, and champion enemies is very valuable in all circumstances!
  • Vorpal Weapon: Much like with Warden’s Law (Adept) this will turn the weapon into a DPS power house. Vorpal Weapon and Fourth Time’s the Charm with Lucky Pants turns your Yesterday’s Question into an exotic tier weapon DPS output machine!

Best Combinations:

  • Dragonfly and Voltshot: If you want something demolishing ads like Destiny 1’s OG Fatebringer, this combination is the answer. This perk combination will have you putting this weapon away only when you are wanting to try something new or break up the gameplay, it is always an amazing combo!
  • Fourth Times the Charm and Vorpal Weapon: This is the dangerous combo you always want for Warden’s Law but now in the energy slot! This weapon combination gives you Exotic Weapon tier damage while being a legendary weapon. This frees up your exotic slot for a fun weapon in the Primary or Heavy slot!

Yesterday’s Question (Adept) God Roll for PvP:

First Perk Columns:

Great Options:

  • Lone Wolf: A perk option we don’t normally see offered but is appearing for the first time for Heavy Burst Hand Cannon. + 10 Aim Assist, 0.9x ADS Multiplier, +10 Airborne Effectiveness are the default values but if you aren’t within 15m (living up to the Lone Wolf name) the stats are doubled. If you enhance the perk you get a 10% bonus on top of it as well. If you’re a stat monster and love consistency this is an amazing PvP perk!
  • Closing Time: If you like having an advantage with elusive or fleeing enemies, this perk is great. You’ll get increased handling and when you find yourself halfway through your magazine you get an increased range of up to 25m and increased cone accuracy increases to be 12.5% more accurate!

Second Perk Columns:

Great Perks: 

  • Headseeker: This perk will likely decrease the number of bullets per burst required to kill a Guardian, but currently the headseeker perk is not working. It would be wise to hang on to rolls that have this perk as it may be one of the top PvP perk choices!
  • Zen Moment: Much like Lone Wolf, this is the great, stable perk choice that will give you bonus stats constantly and let you land your shots more often.
  • Eye of the Storm: This perk is much like Zen Moment but helps you clutch out 1 vs 1 fights when you’re low on health. It will give you more leeway in your headshots to finish off your target before they can finish you off.

Good Perks:

  • Moving Target: If you like better target acquisition and the ADS speed difference, this perk is very solid! Of all the PvP perks, this perk is the most personalized option. Some people like the perk, so try it out on a different weapon and see if its the perfect perk 4 slot for you!

Best Combinations:

  • Lone Wolf + Moving Target: This perk combination pairs the double aim assist buff that each of these perks give to get 100 aim assist. If you are a Guardian that likes to be up in the action, flanking, or separating from your team to utilize the full Lone Wolf perk you will feel like an unstoppable machine with how your Yesterday’s Question sticks to other Guardians! This aim assist combo will let you focus on range and stability on your Adept mod and barrel/magazine slots.
  • Lone Wolf + Head Seeker:  This combination will trade off some of the aim assist of the first combination for less headshots being required once the headseeker perk is fixed. If you are finding yourself not landing all your shots like Cayde-6 always does, this perk combination can lead to more consistent kills without your target escaping!

Check out our detailed Blog about Yesterday’s Question by clicking here: Yesterday’s Question (Adept) What Perks to Farm For!

Get This Gun Before You Know It

We understand that not everyone has the time in their schedule to unlock the Destiny 2 Yesterday’s Question (Adept). Recruit a faithful Sherpa to unlock this weapon and other God Roll’s for you. We guarantee our services and ensure every player gets the gun that they want. Order now, or see what other satisfied Guardians have to say about our Sherpas.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will this Destiny 2 – Yesterday’s Question (Adept) God Roll Farm Service take to complete?

We aim to have any service ordered completed with 24 hours, however this does depend on the availability of the playlist and some products may take longer depending on the activity. God roll services in particular can take multiple days to complete due to the RNG nature of the service. 

If I order an account recovery how do I know you won’t mess with my account?

This is a very common and fair question that we get asked often.

We are a legitimate website with thousands of completed orders over many years and reviews from many real, satisfied customers just like you, but don’t take my word for it. Here are reviews from some of our most recent customers: https://sherpasofdestiny.com/reviews/. At the end of the day, we know that you providing your account to us to complete something for you takes a lot of trust and we take that very seriously, with a 100% guarantee that any damage to your account as a result of your work with us will be fixed entirely out of our pocket. For further peace of mind and accountability, we do encourage that you change your password to a temporary one for any service you receive and change it back after.

If I order an account recovery how will I know when you are signing on?

Sherpas will aim to contact through text assuming regions are suitable, otherwise we will contact you at your email. As such it is highly recommended to include both and make sure they are up to date

Do I require any specific weapons or armor?

Outside of specific situations, we don’t require any specific gear. Our sherpas are more than happy to work with whatever you have and can use Destiny Item Manager and your collections to optimize their loadouts.

For any other questions feel free to contact us or ask one of our live chat attendants who will be happy to assist you

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Yesterday’s Question God Roll Farm – Destiny 2


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Yesterday's Question (Adept) - Destiny 2


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You MUST have a 7-0 Flawless Trials Card for us to farm Yesterday's Question (Adept) using this product.

Yesterday's Question (Adept)


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