
Reed’s Regret God Roll and Perks – Destiny 2

Reed's Regret Linear Fusion Rifle

Reed’s Regret God Roll / Suggested Perks

What is Reed’s Regret? What is a Reed’s Regret God Roll?

Reed’s Regret is a stasis damage, linear fusion rifle added in Season of the Lost as the newest reward from the Trials of Osiris. Linear fusion rifles have been becoming more and more meta as each season goes by, seeing only buffs while other top tier contenders have been slowly nerfed over time. With particle deconstruction in the artifact during its release season giving a 40% buff to only this archetype, this is the perfect season to release this powerful weapon. But what about a Reed’s Regret God Roll?

Reed's Regret Linear Fusion Rifle Destiny 2
Reed’s Regret Linear Fusion Rifle


What is the Reed’s Regret god roll?

The Reed’s Regret has been released as a very highly sought after option for damage during Season of the Lost. This is due to the recently re-released firing line being an option on this weapon alongside triple tap and clown cartridge, with the very consistent vorpal weapon being another great perk option. For pure dps the roll you’re chasing is a Triple Tap / Vorpal weapon with either enhanced or ionized battery.

Reed's Regret Destiny 2 Perks
Reed’s Regret Common Perks

Why do you want this roll?

Linear fusion rifles have come out in the last few seasons after consecutive buffs as top tier dps options, especially when used in combination with the Witherhoard exotic grenade launcher. Triple tap / Firing Line with either enhanced or ionized battery is the roll you’re chasing for dps as this combines the 20% damage buff of firing line with the ammo generation of triple tap. Triple tap is slightly preferred to clown cartridge as the extra bullet you get from three crits is generated from thin air, as opposed to clown cartridge pulling from reserves. The battery perk is important as an ionized or enhanced battery increases the reserves to six, which when combined with the backup mag mod gives you 7 total shots. This allows for 10 continuous shots if you land all your crits while only using 7 ammo from your reserves.

How do we get it for you?

Reed’s Regret drops as a reward from the Trials of Osiris playlist. Season of the Lost added ways to grind for trials engrams and adept weapons that have made it so that you can roll for a lot more in a lot less time.

You can find the god roll farm product for Reed’s Regret

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