
Coming Back to Destiny 2 for The Final Shape

Synopsis of Updates Leading into The Final Shape

The Final Shape Approaches - Destiny 2
The Final Shape Approaches – Destiny 2

Into The Light (April 9th Permanent and Free) – Free 1810 Gear (All Characters), 12 Returning Fan Favorite Legendary (Brave) Weapons Return via Hoard Mode called Onsalught! Whisper of the Worm and Outbreak Perfected Exotics, 3 New PVP Maps, Pantheon Raid with Godslayer Title (Pantheon goes away June 4th)!

Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen Expansions free until June 4th! All items and exotics obtained during this time are usable after you lose access to the expansion.

Craftable seasonal weapon catch up! Each day obtain one deepsight weapon for each season by completing it’s respective seasonal activity!

Bungie is Making Massive Changes:

Bungie has triple downed on building up the hype for The Final Shape. We do not mean hype in the sense of social media hype and explosive trailers revealing some of the upcoming changes. Bungie has released a massive free-to-play content drop 4 weeks ago that brought back 12 of the best legendary weapons, 2 of the best original Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 exotics, and a brand new Pantheon raid boss gauntlet. Bungie knows that players may be behind in Power Level so in the Hall of Champions you are presented with full 1810 weapons and armor! This allows you to jump into content like Pantheon which drops a minimum of 4 adept raid weapons and has quests for free raid exotics you’ve always wanted.

We thought The Final Shape expansion build up would end there but it hasn’t. As of May 7th 2024, the previous expansions Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen have been made free to all players until The Final Shapes release. This means you are free to earn the exotics, armor, and craftable weapons to use in the Final Shape even once you lose access to the expansion. The last big quality of life adjustment Bungie has made is craftable seasonal items.

Starting May 7th and ending with The Final Shape you can earn a deepsight, craftable weapon pattern for each season by doing its respective seasonal playlist mode once. That sounds complicated and we will break it down for you below, but just know that means that you will be able to earn a deepsight, craftable weapon each day for 4 different seasons as opposed to hours of grinding. Let us break down each change that helps you catch up more than ever in Destiny 2, and the content is completely free.

The Free Expansions: Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen.

Getting into the game may be hard with limited expansion access. That barrier to entry is resolved for the next month as the Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen expansions are free into The Final Shape. Shadowkeep has many exotics that make the game easier and more fun to play so having access to obtain them for a month is an amazing advantage for all Guardians alike. Beyond Light gives you access to the Stasis subclass. The stasis subclass is the first of two dark subclasses and is a lot of fun to use once you pick and choose the right builds. Making the right builds for Stasis has gotten much easier since many of you have played because you are able to purchase stasis fragments and upgrades with glimmer instead of time consuming weekly quests that also had a weekly lockout. Stasis is also completely free-to-play now meaning you will not lose it once your free month is up!

For those who have limited time and want the best that Destiny 2 has to offer we highly suggest you play the Witch Queen campaign. Even if you haven’t kept up with the story of Destiny, the uniqueness, atmosphere, and story telling from the Witch Queen campaign is considered to be a masterpiece in the Destiny universe. If you are up for a challenge get your friends together, go down to the Hall of Champions to get 1810 weapons and armor, and try the campaign on legendary mode. The legendary campaign is the closest we’ve come to the difficulty and fun of the hardest difficulty Halo campaigns that everyone loved. The Osteo Striga exotic from this expansion is craftable while you own the expansion. We highly recommend getting it, leveling it up and crafting it before The Final Shape!


Into the Light: The Free-To-Play Pre-Expansion.

Onsalught and the Brave Armory

Into the Light is arguably the best Free-To-Play update that the Destiny franchise has ever gotten. We have the Onslaught PvE activity which is a 50 wave based hoard mode where you slay enemies of the tower while defending an objective that rotates the arena every 10 rounds. You get access to 12 previously removed and updated weapons that are widely considered the BEST weapons in Destiny 2’s histor. This activity has a normal and legendary mode and is the best place to go all ought with your different Guardian builds. You get to feel like Zavala, Ikora and Cayde-6 did in cutscenes with all the ability and super usage you can upkeep by adjusting the intricate mod, fragment and subclass system that have been created over the years! You will be able to obtain this list of weapons from this free update, all of which have been absolutely pinnacle weapons of the Destiny universe over he years:

Brave Weapons - Into The Light
Brave Weapons – Into The Light: Falling Guillotine, Forbearance, Hung Jury SR4, Succession, Blast Furnace, Hammerhead, Luna’s Howl, The Mountaintop, The Recluse, Midnight Coup, Edge Transit, Elsie’s Rifle

Exotic Weapons Outbreak Perfected and Whisper of the Worm Return

The Exotic Missions “The Whisper” and “Zero Hour” are also returning with Exotics Whisper of the Worm and Outbreak Perfected. While some of you may already have these weapons, you will unlock craftable variants by running these missions. You are also able to pickup mini-quests to unlock the catalyst and new intrinsic perks for these weapon. This allows you to trade out one perk for another to create the Exotic weapon best for you.

Craftable Outbreak Prime and Whisper of the Worm
Craftable Outbreak Prime and Whisper of the Worm

The Pantheon Raid Boss Gauntlet and Godslayer Title

The Pantheon has also been added with Into The Light and its one of the most rewarding and unique activities in the game. The Pantheon chains together a series of raid encounter back-to-back with each encounter also having a Platinum time achievable that is needed for the Godslayer title and also for getting a free Adept or Harrowed weapon. Here is the structure for the Pantheon as far as release dates, encounters, and rewards!

Challenge Release Light Modifier Number of Encounters

Number of Adepts³

Number of Other Weapons & Armor Exotic Quest: Divine Weaponry 1 Exotic Quest: Divine Weaponry 2 (Unconfirmed)
Atraks Sovereign April 30th


4 4 4 Touch of Malice or Eyes of Tomorrow¹   
Oryx Exalted May 7th -10 5 5 5  Touch of Malice or Eyes of Tomorrow¹   
Rhulk Indomitable  May 14th -15 6 6 6   Collective Obligation, Conditional Finality, or One Thousand Voices²
Nezarec Sublime May 21st  -20 8 8 8   Collective Obligation, Conditional Finality, or One Thousand Voices²
¹ : The Divine Weaponry 1 Quest is only doable once per account. If you do it for one challenge another quest is not available for the other challenge. You must choose only one Exotic.
²: The Divine Weaponry 2 Quest (Unconfirmed) is only doable once per account. If you do it for one challenge another quest is not available for the other challenge. You must choose only one Exotic. Choices of exotic are currently unknown, but due to leaks we presume it will be between these 3 exotics.
³:Adept Weapons are only obtained on the first encounter clear of the specific challenge. While you can only get 4 adepts total from your first Atraks Soverign clear you can then get 5 more adepts the first time you clear Oryx Exalted. Platinum high score for the encounter is required for the adept weapon.

The Pantheon has the most loot of any Destiny 2 raid to date! Adept and Harrowed weapons which were exclusive to Master versions of raids are plentiful in your first clear of EACH challenge that is available. The best part is all of these weapons are free to obtain regardless if you have the expansion they come from or not! It’s the best value as far as PvE weapons to date in Destiny 2 and is the perfect way to get back into the game for The Final Shape.


Daily Craftable Seasonal Weapons.

One of the biggest changes to Destiny 2 over the years was the addition of craftable weapons via Deepsight Resonance Patterns (weapons with red borders around them). Each Season since the introduction of Witch Queen we’ve had the chance to get craftable weapons from the Seasonal Vendor that is unlocked from completing the first one or two missions of each season. 

Daily Deepsight Weapon Farm - Destiny 2
Daily Deepsight Weapon Farm – Destiny 2

Starting May 7th you can obtain a Deepsight, craftable weapon each day from playin the respective seasonal playlist. This means just doing one activity from each season leading into The Final Shape you should be able to unlock craftable versions of most, if not all, weapons from Seasons 20, 21, 22, and 23! Below is a list of all the weapons we recommend collecting for crafting before they leave with The Final Shape launch! For a full list of available weapons look in the product description for our Daily Deepsight Weapon Farm!

  • Imperial Decree (Season 20 Leviathan Weapon) for a primary PvP shotgun that rivals Astral Horizon
  • Eremite (Season 22 Witch Weapon) is amazing DPS for a Fusion Rifle. With Envious Assasin and Enhanced Reservoir Burst you can get 18 shots in one clip to unleash insane special ammo DPS at various Majors, Mini-Bosses, and even Nightfall and Raid bosses!
  • Brya’s Love (Season 22 Witch Weapon) is just an all around great void scout rifle. Scout rifles as a weapon have waned back and forth over the years and can feel quite weak, but Brya’s Love challenges that adversity very well making it an awesome weapon for the energy slot primary.
  • Appetence (Season 23 Wish Weapon) is the only craftable trace rifle for the Kinetic/Stasis/Strand slot. It is also the only legendary Trace Rifle that doesn’t require PvP to obtain it. If you lock to play Warlock with Cenotaph exotic this legendary trace is a must have.
  • Scatter Signal (Season 23 Wish Weapon) is our second fusion on this list. It is the best damaging fusion rifle in the game for the primary slot! If you need Chill Clip, stick with your trusty Riptide from Crucible, but if you need straight up DPS this weapon is unrivaled in the primary slot.
  • Supercluster (Season 23 Wish Weapon) is a craftable Strand slug shotgun meaning it fits into the primary slot. It is an amazing alternative to trying to earn a craftable version of the Heritage shotgun from Deep Stone Crypt. It also pairs well for many of the great Stranf
  • Subjunctive (Season 23 Undying Weapon) for it’s amazing ad-clear with the perk Voltshot. Its origin trait also lets you have nearly twice the amount of bullets to shoot as long as you are near a teammate!
  • Doomed Petitioner (Season 23 Wish Weapon) for its great burst DPS with Envious Assassin or Reconstruction and Precision Instrument damage combination. This is a great weapon if you want to optimize DPS over a triple tap Linear Fusion.

There are still many great craftable weapons from Seasons 20-23 not listed, we highly suggest you go to the product and check them out or look at the various Seasonal Vendors yourself!

The Final Shape Official Cover
The Final Shape Official Cover

The Final Shape Features and Changes

Starting June 4th we will have a lot of systematic changes with the final shape. We are going to walk you through the changes that’s been given to us by Bungie with their “This Week in Destiny” blog posts. Some of the changes are the Power Level will be increasing to a cap of 2000. Fireteam Power will help bridge the power gap between you and your friends so that you can do more difficult activities together. If you dread leveling up other characters you will be happy to know that the power level of all your items on one character will affect the power levels of the other, taking less time to level all 3 characters! The way you obtain the new exotics for The Final Shape and onward will be tied to the Cryptarch. The Final Shape raid will drop June 7th, 3 days after the expansion launch and will not benefit from the Fireteam Power feature for Contest mode.

The Final Shape Changes - Destiny 2
The Final Shape Changes – Destiny 2

Power Level Changes

Power levels are changing, and for the better. Starting in the Final Shape all of your gear will be brought up to 1900 Power. The “Soft Cap” will be 1940. A “Soft Cap” are engrams and weapon/armor drops from any source. The “Powerful Cap” will be 1990 and these drops typically come from Vendors with bounties or quests for you to do each week. The “Pinnacle Cap” will be 2000 and is obtained from doing Weekly seasonal and Ritual activities. Starting with the Final Shape more weekly activities in the game as a whole will drop Pinnacle gear meaning that it will be less of slow, frustrating grind getting to Max Power!

If you are wanting to be ready for the Day One/Contest Mode raid race you will need to be at the very least 1965 Power. Completion of The Final Shape campaign on Legendary difficult will award you an entire gear set at 1960 Power. The legendary campaign will be the fastest way to reach this Power level. 

Fireteam Power Feature

Are you frustrated with your friends or your Sherpa needing you to be a higher Power level to do certain activities? That problem is solved with The Final Shape! Fireteam Power affects most activities in Destiny 2 starting June 6th and will bring everyone in the Fireteam up to the highest person’s Power level -5. So if your friend spent 72 hours grinding the expansion to get to 1980 Power you can join him in activities and it will be as if you are 1975 Power! As far as we know the only activity this doesn’t work for is Contest Mode raids, so everyone in your Day One and Contest Mode raids will need to be at 1965 Power!

Account Wide Power Level

Have you been a Titan Guardian since the day you picked up the game but haven’t wanted to repeat the grind to try and spread your Warlock wings? The Final Shape quality of life change of Account Wide Power Level solves this very real issue for a lot of players. Previously only items such as weapons affected your Guardian’s Power level across characters. With The Final Shape even the Power of your highest Power Guardian will affect other characters. This means you can do the Legendary Campaign on one character to get 1960 gear and play on your other characters and get 1960 gear world drops for them! This small change cuts down on the grinding for armor by 60%+ across your characters! Assuming that pinnacle drops are locked out weekly still, it means you can just hop on another character and do pinnacle activities to get even higher light within a given week.

Cryptarch Reputation and New Exotic Armor Changes

The Final Shape is adding a Reputation system to the Cryptarch that works like the other Vendors at the Tower. To get new exotics in The Final Shape and later, you will need to reach max reputation with the Cryptarch first. Upon reaching max reputation you will be able to trade an exotic engram, an exotic cypher, and an ascendant shard to buy the newest exotic armor. To level the reputation up you will need to focus exotic engrams, decrypt exotic engrams, or decrypt prime engrams with the Crytparch. Focusing exotic engrams will give you the most reputation, followed by decrypting exotics, and the least reputation is gained from decrypting prime engrams.

The Witness & Final Shape Raid - Destiny 2
The Witness & Final Shape Raid – Destiny 2

The Final Shape Day One and Contest Mode Raid

The Day One Raid race will start on June 7th, just three days after The Final Shape releases. To best be prepared for this you can do a few things. If you want all your artifact unlocked in time for the raid race you should be stacking up on bounties. You should focus on weekly, high XP bounties first and then non-repeatable bounties that you can find. Finding a friend that’s leveled up his season pass to the first XP boost to turn in your bounties after the expansion drops can also be helpful but very much not needed. The next thing is just as important and that is to get to 1965 Power. The easiest way to get to 1965 Power will be to complete The Final Shape campaign on Legendary difficulty. As previously mentioned, completing the Legendary campaign will get you 1960 gear, putting you just 5 Power away from being Day One Raid ready! You can stack up exotic engrams and try and get yourself closer to the new expansion exotics as quickly as possible. This is the least important way to prepare for the expansion as it still may not be quite feasible with decent preparation to max out the Cryptarch rank before the Day One Raid is out.

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